IGI 1 mission 3 military airbase free watch on GamesUstad.Blogspot.com. IGI 1 mission 3 is very Simple you can Pick up the Aeroplane. IGI 1 Mission 3 is hard but you can watch this video you can complete simply this mission.Watch complete mission and enjoy. IGI I am going in mission 3 military airbase is very long and hard.

How to complete:
Run forward towards the right of the dome, Glock come To Air Base. Igi 1 Game Run To commond  drawn. Kill the guy, take his AK47, and switch to your Mp5. Keep heading forward, veering right towards the base. Kill the guy in front, then move next to the chain-link fence and shoot the enemy in front of the garage. Now quickly run into the base, shooting two more: next to the truck and in the booth. Head towards the sunken building and use the keypad to the left of the door. Once you're inside, turn left and shoot another guy through the windshield. Move around the truck and get another in front of the EXIT door. Open the door, go up the ladder, and out the second EXIT door. Move along the building, and take out an enemy to your right. Then, using the Mp5, shoot the sniper on the tower and another on the balcony slightly to your right (use binoculars if you can't see him). Kill another one walking around near the gap in the wall, because he will sometimes start shooting you as you climb the ladder. Now go up the tower and use the Dragunov and binoculars to first destroy the camera on the brown two-storey building and then anyone else blocking your path to that building.
Go the Long Was Around The Building, So You Pass The Closed Front Door, and Use Your Dragunov To Take Out The Three Guards. Use The Keypad In The Booth Then Go Into The Building Behind You and Fight Your Way To The Tower. Go Up The Elevator and Use The Computer, Then The Leave The Area The Way You Came In and Run To The Get On Your Right.

 walk in and open the gate (in this walkthrough you really don't need to open the gate, but if you get spotted and need to run out quickly it doesn't make any harm to have an open gate and you want the AK47-ammo from the guard anyway). Note that the buttons which activate things like opening gates, etc. Powerd By Games Ustad are square while alarm buttons are round. Don't ever press an alarm button unless you want to trigger the alarm or if you want to reset an alarm which already has gone off.

When you've arrived to the corner use your computer map again. Follow the guard patrolling in front of the main gate. Run up behind him and shoot when he has turned around and started patrolling away from you. When the guard is dead immediately back off to the corner. One or two guards can have been alerted and then started to run towards you. If you're too close to the gate they will run out and start firing at you. If you have gone back to the corner they stop inside the gate behind the fence. Read here {link will come} how you should take them out without taking damage.

The Next Step L've Found is Really The Key To The Level. There Are Three Snipers In This Level.  One Of Them Is In The Watertower and The Two Other are at Balconies Of The Guard HQ. The Snipers are Really Annoying and I've Found It Much Easier To Finish The Level If They are Killed as Soon as Possiable.


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